About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Greatest Stories Live

For some reaons, as with the "Keith Emerson with the Nice" commercial release, the version of this that you can buy, leaves some songs out.  In this version, all the songs from the original LP release are included.

Harry Chapin wrote wonderful story-songs, showing his compassion for us "little people," like taxi drivers and midnight watchmen.  However, it's sad that along with his compassion he seemed to find no hope to alleviate his characters' loneliness.  (Except sex, that is.)

Some time in the early 1970s I had my Dad sit down with me and listen to "Cats in the Cradle."  I honestly think he hadn't heard the song before, being a country-music kind of guy.  But he could get the message.  It's all about a father who ignores his son while chasing success, and in turn is shunned by his grown-up son when he wants companionship.

When the song ended, I took the needle off the record and turned to Dad and said, "I wanted to thank you for NOT being a Dad like that."

Folks, I hope and pray that you had parents as wonderful as mine.  If you did not, then perhaps you can, like me, try to BE a great parent. 

When we found out we were expecting our first child, I asked Dad if he had any advice on fatherhood.  WORDS OF WISDOM ALERT!  He said, "The best way to be a good father is to be a good husband."

End of sermon, here are the songs:
1. Dreams Go By
2. W.O.L.D.
3. Saturday Morning
4. I Wanna Learn A Love Song
5. Mr. Tanner
6. A Better Place To Be
7. Let Time Go Lightly
8. Cats In The Cradle
9. Taxi
10. Circle
11. 30,000 Pounds Of Bananas
12. She Is Always Seventeen
13. Love Is Just Another Word
14. The Shortest Story

And here is the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DD2TSCFX

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