About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

MA-65 - Space Race

Well, who made it?  Who was the winner of the Space Race?  The guys with the starred sleeves were first into the pool, but the guy bearing the stars'n'bars made it to the other side first!

1      Sputnik Announcement      USSR Radio   (0:18)          1957
2      Rice University Space Speech (edit)      President John F Kennedy    (1:45)         1962
3      Sputnik Baby      Roosevelt Sykes  (2:21)          1957
4      Space Race     Allen Bradley Quintet (2:31) 1958
5 Ghost Satellite Bob & Jerry (1:52) 1958
6 Sputnik #3 Buel Moore & The Garnets (2:03) 1958
7 Super Sonic Marty Wilson & The Strat-O-Lites (2:27) 1958
8 I'm on This Rocket Marvin Moore (1:27) 1958
9 Able & Baker Gene & Al with The SpaceMonks (2:42) 1959
10 Rockin' Satellite Ray Sawyer (2:10) 1960
11 Man in Orbit Space Man (2:11) 1961
12 Happy Blues for John Glenn Lightnin’ Hopkins (5:20) 1962
13 Mister Glenn Little Willie John (3:05) 1962
14 Space Walk Roger Booth and The Escorts (2:14) 1965
15 Armstrong John Stewart (2:40) 1969
16 The Battle of the Moon Sonny Hall (1:42) 1969
17 Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins The Byrds (1:51) 1969
18 The First Step on the Moon The Cape Kennedy Construction Company (4:35) 1969
19 The Walk of Ed White Up with People (4:50) 1969
20 Footprints on the Moon Judy Lynn (3:27) 1973
21 Ride, Sally, Ride Casse Culver (3:32) 1983
22 Tranquility Base Planet P Project (1:55) 1983
23 Countdown Rush (5:50) 1983
24 Flying for Me John Denver (4:38) 1987
25 Fire in the Sky Jordin Kare (4:38) 1991
26 My Dog Is an Astronaut Though Pond (3:52) 1997
27 Bless Thou the Astronauts Hastings College Choir (2:56) 2010

Have fun with these boisterous, silly, and/or solemn paeans to the Great Space Race

MA-65 - Space Race  UPDATED  LINK  2021

See you Monday with a reminiscence from 1972.

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