Here's another in our series of songs about space, the universe, and visitors therefrom.
1 - (When You) See Those Flying Saucers The Buchanan Brothers 1947
2 - Rocket Joe Bennett & The Sparkletones 1957
3 - Tiny Space Man Bill Carlisle 1957
4 - The Flying Saucer Goes West Buchanan and Goodman 1958
5 - Outer Space Santa The Lennon Sisters 1958
6 - Mope-itty Mope Boss-Tones 1959
7 - Asteroid Hop Jimmie Haskell And His Orchestra 1959
8 - Beep Beep Loiuis Prima 1959
9 - Beep, Beep Tom Glazer & Dottie Evans 1959
10 - UFOs Soul, Inc 1967
11 - Have You Seen the Saucers Jefferson Airplane 1970
12 - Supersonic Rocket Ship The Kinks 1972
13 - UFOs Undisputed Truth 1975
14 - Waiting for the UFOs Graham Parker 1979
15 - Flying Saucer Safari Suburban Lawns 1981
16 - The Alien Song (for those who listen) Milla Jovovich 1994
17 - Subterranean Homesick Alien Radiohead 1997
18 - Fell in Love With an Alien The Kelly Family 1997
19 - Space Robot Five Brave Saint Saturn 2000
20 - Outer Space Song Pinky and Perky 2002
21 - UFOs, Big Rigs and BBQ Mojo Nixon 2005
22 - Devil Woman from Outer Space Rezurex 2006
23 - Space Craze Rick McGuire 2006
24 - Pluto Clare and The Reasons 2007
25 - The Planet Mars The Corillions 2007
26 - Robot Monster Damon Alexander & the Ten Cent Rentals 2008
27 - The Ballad of Davy Crockett (In Outer Space) They Might Be Giants 2009
Hope you enjoy the serendipity. Blast off!
See you Monday.