About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Monday, January 7, 2019

My Home Is in Transylvania -- Get Used to It!

I fell for this CD because of its title.  Part of me was hoping that this was spooky, Halloween-type music.  No, folk music from Transylvania.

The orchestral accompaniment is a small band of accordion, violin, etc.  There are several fascinating and sometimes unsettling aspects to this music.  First, at times the accordionist and violinist are playing separate, competing, showoff-ish arpeggios and runs that sound completely unrelated to what Máté is singing.  Second, these melodies are often strange and different to my Western-music ears.  Third, occasionally, the ding-dang songs just STOP.  It's on purpose.  Máté and her band stop at the same time.  The tape is not cut off.  The song just halts.  Fascinating!

01. Országúton hosszú a jegenyesor (1:55)

02. Álmodó Tisza part (4:19)

03. Nem lehet azt parancsolni senkinek (2:56)

04. Szomorú a nyárfaerdõ (2:39)

05. Ott, ahol a Maros vize (1:49)

06. Vadvirágos erdõ szélén rózsabokor (2:09)

07. Fenyõ, fenyõ, de magas fenyõ (3:20)

08. Udvarhelyi templom (2:21)

09. Szép vagy, gyönyörû vagy, Magyarország (4:12)

10. Van jogom a boldogsághoz (2:41)

11. Adj, Uram Isten (5:05)

12. Erdélyországban van az én hazám (2:27)

13. Édesanyám sírját (3:05)

14. Bujdokolva járok (2:05)

15. Csíkországi fenyvesekben (2:11)

16. Valahol már nap ragyog (4:04)

17. Kolozsvári kiskertekben (2:07)
18. Székely himnusz (2:48)

Máté Ottília - Erdélyországban van az én hazám

See you on Thursday!


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