About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Monday, June 1, 2020

Music of the Renaissance for Lutes, Vihuelas, and Citterns

It's a Musical Heritage Society 1974 cassette that I hope you'll like.

01 - Cinco Differencias Sobre las Vacas - Anonymous  (2:43)
02 - La Dama le Demanda - Antonio de Cabezon  (2:41)
03 - Pavana Italiana - Antonio de Cabezon  (2:12)
04 - Recercada Sobre el Passamezzo Moderno - Diego Ortiz  (1:26)
05 - Conde Claros - Enríquez de Valderrábano  (1:30)
06 - Two Fantaisies - Francesco da Milano  (3:31)
07 - Spagna and Canon - Francesco da Milano  (2:17)
08 - Contrapuncto - Vincenzo Galilel  (2:04)
09 - Fantasia - Melchiore de Barberlis  (1:23)
10 - Rogero - Anonymous  (1:25)
11 - Levecha Pavan and Galliard - John Dowland  (3:23)
12 - My Lord Chamberlain His Galliard - John Dowland  (2:06)
13 - La Rossignol - Anonymous  (1:22)
14 - Drewies Accorders - Anonymous  (1:22)
15 - Fancy - Thomas Robinson  (2:07)
16 - A Toye - Thomas Robinson  (1:15)
17 - Twenty Ways Upon the Bells - Thomas Robinson  (1:14)
18 - Flatt Pavan - John Johnson  (2:08)
19 - Les Bouffons - Anonymous  (1:56)
20 - Trois Bransles de Village - Jean-Baptiste Besard  (2:12)
21 - Allegy-moy - Pierre Phalèse  (1:49)
22 - Grace et Vertu - Pierre Phalèse  (1:16)

Music of the Renaissance for Lutes, Vihuelas, and Citterns

See you on Thursday!

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