About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Monday, January 9, 2023

Come Wizz Mee to de Outer Space-uh!

That's my attempt at a fake accent, a la the French knights in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
01. Strange Eruptions (0:40)
02. Nebulae (1:04)
03. Cosmic Cycle (1:25)
04. Space Meteors (0:44)
05. Star Clusters (1:41)
06. Song of the Spheres (0:38)
07. Cosmic Twilight (0:54)
08. Mars Craters (0:39)
09. Cosmic Fright (0:51)
10. Space Ship (1:10)
11. Pulse of the Universe (1:04)
12. Sun Lava (0:56)
13. Ionosphere (0:48)
14. Dark Cosmic Clouds (0:37)
15. Cosmic Dawn (0:50)
16. Interplanetary Journey: Slow Misterioso / Mysterious Agitato / Strange Space Spasms (2:21)
17. Voices from Outer Space (1:30)
18. Vibrations in Outer Space (1:02)
19. Cosmic Breath (0:36)
20. Space Spirals (1:27)
21. Atmospheric Reactions: Slow Rising Cosmic Excitement / Woodwinds in Lyrical Interlude / Electronic Finish with Woodwinds (1:05)

Outer Space Music

Not music, it’s clichéd “spooky” or “unreal” soap-opera-type mood emanations.  To my ears it's tragically dated to the same era which produced much of the library music used in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Why do you think I have this ourageous-uh ack-SENT-uh?

See you Thursday.

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