About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

It's an Adventure, They Promised!

This is from 1983. I probably bought it at TG&Y.

Just think! One track … 13 minutes … ALL of STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE! The mind boggles!

And it’s not a bad job at all. The Kirk voice is a good mimic. You gotta love it when he says, “There’s something ….. deadly out there.”

The fx for the transporter are pretty good. The Mr Scott voice’s accent IS NOT.

Ilia’s voice is close to Persis Khambatta—it might even be her. Speaking of accents, the voice for the female Vulcan Master is pretty good, though the English voice has a pretty strong Russianesque tone to it.

The bosun’s whistle heard as Spock boards the ship is true-to-Trek.

On page 12, thirty minutes or more of the movie’s very expensive visual effects are dispensed with, “Once through the mist, the crew was stunned by what they saw—an enormous ship.”

Remember that pesky light-beam probe on the bridge? “To Decker’s horror, the probe took control of Lt Ilia!” And that, as they say, is that—as far as the nine-year-olds need to know.

Remember, if you would like to hear it again, turn the tape over!

See you Monday!

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