About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

ALL LINKS 2015 & LATER SHOULD BE ACTIVE. If you find a dead FileFactory link, or for any other correspondence, send me an email; Blogger comments do not allow me to send YOU a reply. That’s msuperfan1956@gmail.com

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Who're You Callin' a Fink?

It's a 1963 gem.
01 - Let's Do the Fink - Mike Russo
02 - I'll Never Make Fun of Her Mustache Again - The Dellwoods
03 - The Biggest Mouth in Town - Jeanne Hayes
04 - Her Dad's Got Money Cha Cha Cha - Mike Russo
05 - I Accidentally Messed Up His Hair - Jeanne Hayes
06 - It's a Gas - Alfred E Newman
07 - Don't Put Onions on Your Hamburger - The Dellwoods
08 - Loving a Siamese Twin - Jeanne Hayes
09 - She Lets Me Watch Her Mom and Dad Fight - Mike Russo
10 - When the Braces on Our Teeth Lock - The Dellwoods
11 - Contact Lenses - Jeanne Hayes
12 - The Neighborhood Draft Board - The Dellwoods
13 - A Mad Extra - Mike Russo

How could you go wrong?

See you Monday, May 2nd, for the commencement of this year's MUSICAL MONTH OF MAY!


  1. Hurray! The greatest..............

  2. I assume you're saying that I'm the Greatest Fink? I'll take it!

  3. No, actually, the record is the greatest record ever made. You, on the other hand, are just simply fabulous.

  4. Let's agree to be FINKalicious in unison!
