About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Monday, April 25, 2022

Meat the Beagles! Split the Bananas!

... Or something like that.
These were originally released as We're the Banana Splits and Here Come the Beagles.

01. The Banana Splits - The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana) (1:27)
02. The Banana Splits - We're the Banana Splits (2:20)
03. The Banana Splits - I'm Gonna Find a Cave (2:26)
04. The Banana Splits - This Spot (2:23)
05. The Banana Splits - Doin' The Banana (2:25)
06. The Banana Splits - Wait Til Tomorrow (2:35)
07. The Banana Splits - You're the Lovin' End (2:21)
08. The Banana Splits - Toy Piano Melody (2:28)
09. The Banana Splits - In New Orleans (3:38)
10. The Banana Splits - Two Ton Tessie (2:25)
11. The Banana Splits - Long Live Love (2:32)
12. The Banana Splits - Don't Go Away - Go Go Girl (2:15)
13. The Banana Splits - It's a Good Day for a Parade (2:22)
14. The Banana Splits - Pretty Painted Carousel (2:33)
15. The Banana Splits - I Enjoy Being a Boy (2:26)
16. The Banana Splits - The Tra La La Song (Alternate) (2:22)
17. The Beagles - Looking for the Beagles (1:54)
18. The Beagles - Sharing Wishes (1:56)
19. The Beagles - I'd Join the Foreign Legion (2:26)
20. The Beagles - What More Can I Do? (1:58)
21. The Beagles - Be the Captain (2:09)
22. The Beagles - Humpty Dumpty (1:58)
23. The Beagles - Thanks to the Man on the Moon (2:23)
24. The Beagles - I Wanna Capture You (2:03)
25. The Beagles - Indian Love Dance (1:54)
26. The Beagles - You Satisfy (2:24)
27. The Banana Splits - That's the Pretty Part of You (2:25)
28. The Banana Splits - The Very First Kid on My Block (2:20)
29. The Banana Splits - The Beautiful Calliopa (2:38)
30. The Banana Splits - Let Me Remember You Smiling (2:18)
31. The Banana Splits - Soul (2:20)

See you Thursday with the last instalment of this year's APRIL FUN.

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