About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

MA-22 A Star to Steer By

The cover of this selection of space/flying saucer music features an interpretation of Betty Hill's star map.  Ever since, under hypnosis, Betty "recalled" a so-called "star map" on board the saucer that kidnaped her, people have been trying to link those dots and lines of hers to actual stars.

Be that as it may, other folks have been content to SING about space.  Here are the tracks:

1 - (When You) See Those Flying Saucers The Buchanan Brothers 1947
2 - Rocket Joe Bennett & The Sparkletones 1957
3 - Tiny Space Man Bill Carlisle 1957
4 - The Flying Saucer Goes West Buchanan and Goodman 1958
5 - Outer Space Santa The Lennon Sisters 1958
6 - Mope-itty Mope Boss-Tones 1959
7 - Asteroid Hop Jimmie Haskell And His Orchestra 1959
8 - Beep Beep Loiuis Prima 1959
9 - Beep, Beep Tom Glazer & Dottie Evans 1959
10 - UFOs Soul, Inc 1967
11 - Have You Seen The Saucers Jefferson Airplane 1970
12 - Supersonic Rocket Ship The Kinks 1972
13 - UFOs Undisputed Truth 1975
14 - Waiting For The UFOs Graham Parker 1979
15 - Flying Saucer Safari Suburban Lawns 1981
16 - The Alien song (for those who listen) Milla Jovovich 1994
17 - Subterranean Homesick Alien Radiohead 1997
18 - Fell In Love With An Alien The Kelly Family 1997
19 - Space Robot Five Brave Saint Saturn 2000
20 - Outer Space Song Pinky and Perky 2002
21 - UFOs, Big Rigs And BBQ Mojo Nixon 2005
22 - Devil Woman From Outer Space Rezurex 2006
23 - Space Craze Rick McGuire 2006
24 - Pluto Clare and The Reasons 2007
25 - The Planet Mars The Corillions 2007
26 - Robot Monster Damon Alexander & the Ten Cent Rentals 2008
27 - The Ballad of Davy Crockett (In Outer Space) They Might Be Giants 2009

And here is the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TS4YXMYW

Hope this comp brings a smile to your face!


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