About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

ALL LINKS 2015 & LATER SHOULD BE ACTIVE. If you find a dead FileFactory link, or for any other correspondence, send me an email; Blogger comments do not allow me to send YOU a reply. That’s msuperfan1956@gmail.com

Monday, August 24, 2020

Too Slanted for Me

These are probably considered "art songs."  They're not necessarily accessible or melodic.  Even dear Emily's words can't save some of them.

01. Cary John Franklin - Musicians wrestle everywhere (3:25)
02. Robert Greenlee - This is my letter to the world (3:55)
03. William Roy - This Little Rose (1:54)
04. Robert Baksa - Two butterflies (3:10)
05. Robert Baksa - I'm nobody (1:03)
06. Aaron Copland - Going to Heaven! (3:29)
07. William Goldberg - I Shall Keep Singing (3:10)
08. Richard Pearson Thomas - Wild Nights – Wild Nights! (1:29)
09. Brian Banks - A Night (3:31)
10. Earl George - The heart asks a pleasure first ... (1:36)
11. Ethan Haimo - I Died for Beauty (3:06)
12. Donald Betts - Much Madness is divinest Sense (2:25)
13. Donald Betts - My Life Closed Twice before its Close (3:35)
14. Robert Baksa - There's a certain slant of light (4:13)
15. Ken Langer - I heard a fly (2:31)
16. Beth Wiemann - A Soul Selects (2:59)
17. Duke Aperans - Wild nights – wild nights (2:02)
18. John Duke - Have you got a brook in your little heart? (2:38)
19. John Duke - I taste a liquor never brewed (2:14)

new link 5-13-2022
A Different Slant of Light
new link 5-13-2022
To me, this album is depressing because the singer's voice has wild vibrato.  She can't stay on pitch.

See you on Thursday.

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