About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

ALL LINKS 2015 & LATER SHOULD BE ACTIVE. If you find a dead FileFactory link, or for any other correspondence, send me an email; Blogger comments do not allow me to send YOU a reply. That’s msuperfan1956@gmail.com

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Marty Wilson's Jun'gala

Riding the Exotica wave, this LP was released in 1959.  The title is a combination of the words "jungle" and "gala" and maybe "gal."  As Groucho Marx once said, "This is a gala day ... and a gal a day is about all I can handle."

This record is also infamous to those with a third-grade mentality for the title of Track Three.

1) Jungle Fantasy
2) Taboo
3) Misty Poo
4) Passion
5) Enlloro
6) Babalu
7) Harlem Nocturne
8) Champs de Cuba
9) Yumba Murumba
10) Manteca

Now you too can get wild.



  1. Any way to repost this? I'd sure like to have it. Thanks!

  2. Just tried and it's not there. Did I miss it?

  3. Try the new post! -- http://spocksrecordround-up.blogspot.com/2015/05/three-classical-derangements-re-post.html -- for the active link!
