About This Blog!

Our beloved Spock is featured in the header photo, taken in 1979. These are some of my LPs, themed compilations, and the like.

ALL LINKS 2015 & LATER SHOULD BE ACTIVE. If you find a dead FileFactory link, or for any other correspondence, send me an email; Blogger comments do not allow me to send YOU a reply. That’s msuperfan1956@gmail.com

Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet One of My Oldest Friends

When I was ten years old and my mom bought me this record, I didn;t know it was a cheap knockoff.  I didn't know that "The Supermen" were not a real group, but a group of musical hacks or sessions men whose producer had slapped that name on their temporary assembly, just to make a few bucks off the kiddies.

It was 1966, according to the copyright tagline on the back of my record.  At least it featured an actual licensed picture of the Man of Steel, one of the iconic Wayne Boring poses from the 1950s.

Since, thank God, my mom was a voracious reader, I was aware that there was an annual anthology book, called something like Best Plays of 1965-1966 or some such.  The series was on a shelf next to the elevator at the library.  So, at ten or eleven, I checked out the book and read the play.

Wow, was it not-fun!  Not because of my unsophisticated reading skills, but because it was more about new characters (the Daily Planet publisher I think, and a dumb villain), and NOT about the stable of characters in the comic and TV Superman Family.

You see, I could read.  For example, in second grade I was reading sixth grade level stuff.  In fourth grade my mom asked the chief librarian if it was safe for me that I didn't check out kids' books any more, only adult ones. 

By the way, in the 1960s books about flying saucers were not shelved in the "001" section they are nowadays.  (This is the "unknown" ection where you will also find Bigfoot and ghosts).  No, in the 1960s I knew I could fint the saucer books at 629.13.

But back to this record ...

As you may be able to hear, I just about wore it out.  And how can you go wrong, from a record label called Spinorama!?!?

The first two songs are indeed from the 1966 musical play.  The other eight are filler!  Of course at ten I didn't know that.  In a similar way to all the knockoff spy records of the 1960s, most of the songs that aren't "authentic" are actually public-domain tunes ("Sweet Betsy from Pike," "Song of the Volga Boatmen"), rearranged and given titles appropriate to the subject matter.

At least the filler songs were given titles with a little humor!  "Curse of the Double L," and don't forget "Bizarro Boogie"!

Let me tell you a little about the origin of this blog.  I have several hundred records.  Only a handful are left from my youth; most were acquired in late high schol and college.

Wonderful Joyce (she who is my wife), for Christmas a couple of months ago, gave me an mp3 turntable.  So I have been going through those records and keeping only a handful -- 20 or so, my old friends with sentimental attachments.  Like this record!

As you may have noticed, this is not a music-theft blog.  I'm posting my own compilations or LPs that are not in CD release.  I want to share memories, not cheat somebody.

And let me tell you, "de-clicking" technology is a wonderful thing.  It couldn't make this album sound new, but it certainly helped make it listenable.

If any of you, my friends, might remember this album, let me know!  Or let me know if you at least get a smile from it.  I hope you do.

Here are the ten semi-silly tracks:

01 - It’s Superman
02 - You’ve Got Possibilities
03 - Man of Steel
04 - Kryptonite
05 - Fortress of Solitude
06 - Mr. Mxyzptlk
07 - Bizarro Boogie
08 - Curse of the Double L
09 - Clark Kent’s Secret Identity
10 - Metropolis by Night

and here is the link:    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K69GDI22

PS:  You can but this LP from an online vendor for something like $39 according to a search I did the other day.  But I really doubt that very many of you, my friends, have record players any more.

When I was ten, I could listen to the title track unironically.  Thank heavens I can still do that!  You see, I think it is a good idea to NOT MAKE FUN OF EVERYTHING by being snarky.  Or, as they say in SF, suspend your disbelief.  We don't win points by sneering at things.

Good day.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grungy Proto Prog Rock

In the mid-1970s I became a fan of Emerson, Lake and Palmer.  Their music, like me, was by turns literary, showoffy, introspective, and cheesy.

Although some of their lyrics showed a shallow would-be intellectual athiesm, much of the music still moves me, especially Brain Salad Surgery.   It's kind of a measure of a like/irritation relationship when I say that this album is their finest work --- yet the album's title comes from a sexual metaphor that really isn't funny or clever, to anyone emotionally older than maybe a 12-year-old.

In 1977 I went to my local independent record store and they special-ordered this double album for me, for all of $3.77.  I was curious to see what other stuff Keith Emerson had done.

Well, it is definitely a mixed bag.  But fun.

There is a CD release of SOME of this music, but it leaves out a song or two.  My rip includes those.  To make room for them, I did not include one of the two versions of the same song that were on the double LP -- that is, one of their versions of Tchaikovsky's  Pathetique Symphony No. 6, 3rd Movement.

Here are the tracks:

1. The Five Bridges Suite:
   I. Fantasia - First Bridge (6:08)
   II. 2nd Bridge (3:59)
   III. Chorale - 3rd Bridge (3:30)
   IV. High Level Fugue - 4th Bridge (1:02)
   V. Finale - 5th Bridge (3:34)
2. Intermezzo Karelia Suite (8:57)
3. Pathetique Symphony No. 6, 3rd Movement (9:22)
4. Country Pie/Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 (5:39)
5. One of Those People (3:07)
6. Hang On To A Dream (12:39)
7. America (10:15)
8. My Back Pages (9:12)

Here is the link to my version:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KCXWMUSB

Friday, February 25, 2011

Let's Go Psychedelic!

One of the advantages at working at a thrift store was seeing all kinds of wild-n-crazy things.  Sometimes you could buy an item; sometimes when it got marked down too many times, it would get tossed, and you could have it.

That's what happened here, with somebody's home-grown CD Psychedelic 60s.  It had a home-printed CD front & rear insert, but inside was the ol' silver CD-R-with-a-sharpie-inscription.

But ya know, it's pretty fun!  Thank heaven that we can enjoy the wild music without having to go through the actual "psychedelic" experiences that may have inspired it.

Here is the tracklist:
1 99th Floor Moving Sidewalks 2:13
2 I've Got Levitation 13th Floor Elevators 2:42

3 Maid of Sugar, Maid of Spice Mouse and the Traps 2:41
4 Eagle Never Hunts the Fly The Music Machine 2:47
5 Double Yellow Line The Music Machine 2:13
6 Frustration The Painted Ship 2:55
7 When I Arrive We the People ... 2:59
8 Go Away The Plague 1:58
9 Writing on the Wall The 5 Canadians 2:21
10 Reverberation (Doubt) 13th Floor Elevators 2:48
11 No Good Woman The Tree 2:44
12 She Lives (in a Time of Her Own) 13th Floor Elevators 3:00
13 Where You Gonna Go? Unrelated Segments 2:51
14 Absolutely Positively The Music Machine 2:15
15 Swami William Penn 3 2:57
16 Trippin' Out  Something Wild  2:13
17 Scarlet and Gold 13th Floor Elevators 5:00
18 Yesterday's Hero The Satyrs 2:38

19 Dr Doom 13th Floor Elevators 3:15
20 Smell of Incense W.C.P.A.E.B. 5:52
21 Satisfaction Guaranteed The Mourning Reign 2:19
22 Slip Inside This House 13th Floor Elevators 8:05
23 I Wanna Come Back (from the World of LSD) The Fee-Fi-Four Plus Two 2:21
24 Spider and the Fly The Monocles 2:07
25 Mother Nature/Father Earth The Music Machine 2:14
26 I Need Love The Time Stoppers 2:53

Also included is read CD insert, and a printable CD image, so you won't need a sharpie!

Here's the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5KVCV6SG

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kind of Calming

I bought the cassette from which this was dubbed in the 1980s, at a "New Age" store.  They were the only store carrying some of the music I heard on Music from the Hearts of Space.

If you do a search on the artist's name, "Apurvo," nowadays, you won't find a thing having to do with her.

Ah, well, the music is interesting and kind of calming.  There are only two tracks:
1) The Depths Open
2) Free to Be

Here is the link:    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=37VN9FG5

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Adventures of Superman!

A million years ago, STARLOG magazine happened to run a feature about the "library" music used in George Reeves' Adventures of Superman series ( and many other syndicated TV shows of that time).

I remember reading that some of the music used in Adventures of Superman had been written for various low-budget Western movies.
Along with having some background on the music, the article also gave the name & address of the company who was then selling cassettes of the music (for $20 a tape if I remember).

I bought two of these cassettes.  Wish I'd had the money to buy all of them, eight or so if I recall!  While some of the music is to be heard on the later commercial release of this music (which included the title music called "Superman March"), I relistened to my tapes and found about an hour's worth of music that, to my comparative ear as I played them back-and-forth, were NOT on that release.

So, needy for people to "really like me," I of course whipped up this package to share with everybody.

The "liner notes" in my CD were paraphrased from the cassette catalog the company sent me with my tapes.  However, I'll be shot if I can put my hand to those pages right now, though -- they're around here "somewhere."
Here is the tracklist.  These music titles are as provided by the "cassette company."
1) Mysterioso
2) Wax Museum
3) Build to Sting
4) The Getaway
5) Fight
6) Jump the Fence!
7) Deserted Village
8) Rip Through Fear
9) Face at the Window
10) Eerie Oboe
11) Flute to Finale
12) Night of Terror
13) Sad Romance
14) Airport
15) Slow Carousel
16) Blue Melody
17) World of Tomorrow
18) Menace
19) City Desk
20) Sword of Damocles
21) Cat Burglar
22) Atlantic Rollers
23) Solemn Moment
24) Scotland Yard
25) Danger Lurks
26) Prelude to Crime
27) Crime Doesn't Pay
28) Changing Moods 1
29) Changing Moods 2
30) Humorous In and Out
31) Chameleon Moods
32) Free for All
33) Hope Abandoned
34) Arctic Wastes

I received a wonderful, friendly note from a fine guy named Richard Noon, who came across this after I posted it on the Super Blog.  So, thanks to Richard for inspiring me to share this with you today.  If you like hearing this stirring stuff that wallpapered our childhood, let me know!

Here's the link:    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A37MQGVT

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Back when I used to frequent thrift stores and before I spent 15 years living in them (working 50 hours a week at a few), I always kept my eyes peeled for LPs that might be odd or a little off-kilter (kind of like me!).

That's when I discovered, in 1960s and 1970s releases, the "cash-in" craze -- the "cover connection," if you prefer.  That is, the attempts to make money by recording knock-offs of hit TV & movie theme songs or genres.

When Superman: The Movie and blockbusters like CEK, Star Wars, and others crested in popularity, disco and synthpop were also at a crest.  Hence, the plethora of upbeat arrangements of these themes.

Here is Supermusic, a compilation put together from these second-hand finds, along with lots of TV themes.

Here are the tracks:
1) Movie Theme - Walter Murphy
2) Superboy TV Theme
3) Superman - Herbie Mann
4) The Adventures of Superman TV Theme
5) Sound from Krypto / Movie Theme - Let's All Dance with Super Friends cassette
6) Superman the Animated Series TV Theme (extended)
7) The Batman / Superman Adventures TV Theme
8) Movie Theme - Gotham's Greatest
9) Comic Book Heroes / I'm Your Superman - Rick Springfield
10) The New Adventures of Superman TV Theme
11) The New Adventures of Superman Episode Title Music
12) The New Adventures of Superman TV End Credits
13) Movie Theme - Super Hero Music cassette
14) It's Superman - The Supermen
15) You've Got Possibilities - The Supermen
16) TV Theme - Ruby-Spears
17) Movie Theme - Cinema Sound Orchestra
18) The Superman / Batman Adventures TV Theme
19) Superboy TV Theme (Filmation cartoon)
20) SuperPup TV Theme
21) Movie Theme - Fleischer cartoons
22) Theme from Superman (original) - Wonderland Space Shuttle
23) Movie Serial Theme

And here is the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NE5G51P2  

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dvorak's 16 Slavonic Dances

This LP I bought at a used record shop in about 1977.

Man, there is so much ENERGY going on here, for example in the first cut. BA-BANG!

Here is the track list:
Opus 46
1. No. 1 In C Major: Presto - Furiant
2. No. 2 In E Minor: Allegretto scherzando - Dumka
3. No. 3 In A Flat Major: Poco allegro - Polka
4. No. 4 In F Major: Tempo di Minuetto - Sousedska
5. No. 5 In A Major: Allegro Vivace - kocna
6. No. 6 In D Major: Allegretto Scherzando - Sousedska
7. No. 7 In C Minor: Allegro assai - Skocna
8. No. 8 In G Minor: Presto - Furiant
Opus 729. No. 1 In B Major: Molto Vivace - Odzemek
10. No. 2 In E Minor: Allegretto Grazioso - Dumka
11. No. 3 In F Major: Allegro - Skocna
12. No. 4 In D Flat Major: Allegretto grazioso - Dumka
13. No. 5 In B-Flat Minor: Poco Adagio - Spacirka
14. No. 6 In B Flat Major: Moderato, quasi Minuetto - Mazur
15. No. 7 In C Major: Allegro Vivace - Kolo
16. No. 8 In A Flat Major: Grazioso e Lento, Ma Non Troppo

Once again, this is great music that is out-of-print.  Here's the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=53KFHP8E

Let me know if you like this fine music.  Like the people who originated the melodies Dvorak used, the music is by turns passionate, longing, tender, and strutting


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some Cowboy Songs

I founds these from all over the place.  Some of my favorites are "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart" and "Cowboy Yodel."

Here are the tracks:
1) Back in the Saddle Again - Ray Whitley & His Bar 6 Cowboys
2) Song of the Sierras - Jimmy Wakely
3) Carry Me Back to the Lone Prairie - Jimmy Wakely with the Jud Conlan Singers and the Three Rays
4) Blue Prairie - Roy Rogers
5) Lone Star Trail - Ken Maynard
6) Blue Shadows on the Trail - Roy Rogers
7) Don't Go Near the Indians - Rex Allen
8) Empty Saddles - Roy Rogers
9) Jingle Jangle Jingle - Tex Ritter
10) Blue Bonnet Girl - Roy Rogers
11) I'm an Old Cowhand - Roy Rogers
12) Ghost Riders in the Sky - Roy Rogers
13) Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Sons of the Pioneers
14) Last Roundup - Gene Autry
15) Cowboy Yodel - Wanda Jackson
16) Home on the Range - Roy Rogers & the Sons of the Pioneers
17) High Noon - Tex Ritter
18) Deep in the Heart of Texas - John "Dusty" King and His Range Busters
19) Don't Fence Me In - Roy Rogers
20) Banks of the Rio Grande - Eddie Dean
21) Ragtime Cowboy Joe - Roy Rogers
22) I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart - Patsy Montana
23) Happy Trails - Roy Rogers & Dale Evans

Here is the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7Q3AVM6L 

Saturday, February 19, 2011


This is my 2009 Hallwoeen music compilation, including some of the scary undersores used in Jonny Quest.

Here are the tracks:
1 Alice Cooper: Welcome to My Nightmare
2 Sid Frank & James Dukas: Holidays Halloween
3 Marilyn Manson: This Is Halloween
4 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown: Rock 1
5 Dick Dale: Riders in the Sky
6 Aqua: Halloween
7 Donald Duck 1937: Trick or Treat
8 Jonny Quest: Underscore 1
9 Sheb Wooley: The Purple People Eater
10 Music for Monsters: Ghouls Glide
11 The Who: Boris the Spider
12 Buddy Morrow and His Orchestra: The Raven
13 CD Creepies: Frenzy #1
14 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown    Rock 2

15 Hap Palmer: Have a Good Time on Halloween Night
16 Nekromantix: Trick or Treat
17 Jonny Quest: Underscore 2
18 Stephen Lynch: Halloween
19 Spooky Music for Spooky Occasions: Part One
20 Henry Hall: Here Comes the Boogeyman
21 James Horner: Something Wicked This Way Comes Main Title
22 George McKelvey: My Radiation Baby (My Teenage Fallout Queen)
23 Jonny Quest: Underscore 3
24 Squirrel Nut Zippers: Hell
25 Ukulele: Five Little Pumpkins
26 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown    Rock 3
27 Jack Marshall: The Munsters Theme
28 Spooky Music for Spooky Occasions: Part Two
29 Zombina and the Skeletones: Nobody Likes You When You're Dead
30 Grateful Dead & Merl Saunders: The Twilight Zone '85 Main Title
31 Mickey Mouse 1929: The Haunted House
32 Manhattan Transfer: Twilight Zone
33 Music for Monsters: Skeleton Dance
34 Space Ghost: Main Title
35 Bloodrock: DOA

Here is the link:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XZ00I3UE

If you like it, let me know!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The 2010 Spook-Tacular

I love somebody else's idea of making Halloween compilations.  I tried my best to come up with things not as readily available as some other common items.  I mean, everybody is almost sick of "Monster Mash" for example.

As a personal choice I stay away from rap or "death metal"-type stuff.  It has to tickle my own personal fancy.  I hope you like it too!

Here are the tracks:

1 Halloween Sale Goodwill 0:59
2 Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman The Tubes 4:25
3 It's a Nerdy Halloween Herbert Midgley 2:42
4 Frankie-Stein Robbie Robison 2:58
5 This Is Halloween Panic! At the Disco 3:27
6 I Only Have Eyes for You Spike Jones 3:26
7 Horray For Horrorwood Frankenstein Drag Queens 2:18
8 It's Halloween Greg Conley 3:07
9 Zombie Dance The Cramps 1:51
10 Mummy Beach Hot Lava 2:59
11 Love Song For A Vampire Annie Lennox 4:12
12 Creature with the Atom Brain JezusFactory 2:40
13 Saturday Evening Ghost Frankie Stein and His Ghouls 2:01
14 Halloween Song Evangelicals 2:15
15 Mummy Walk Contrails 2:36
16 Main Theme Dracula Twins 1:32
17 Vincent Price Zombina & the Skeletones 2:19
18 Monster Mash Misfits 2:34
19 Kids Halloween 10/30/2008 ASK U 1:14
20 Halloween Linda Book 2:52
21 Feed My Frankenstein Alice Cooper 4:40
22 Dead Man's Curve Jan & Dean 2:25
23 Creature from Outer Space Big Eyed Beans from Venus 3:05
24 Bo Meets the Monster Bo Diddley 3:03
25 TV Theme Gigantor 0:52
26 Frankenstein Stomp Count Lorry & The Biters 2:01
27 The Skeleton In The Closet Louis Armstrong 3:08
28 Frankenstein Twist The Crystals 2:53
29 Frankenstein Meets The Beetles Jekyll & Hyde 1:51

Fun, cheesy, and creepy, that's for me.  If you like it, leave a comment.

Here is the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QMG4A63D

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Book! It's a Book!

With permission, here is available The Final Affair, written by fan favorite David McDaniel as a sort of tie-up to the show.

Here's the link to the PDF:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6UD13C7V 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

At Least He Didn't Sing "Mr Tambourine Man"!

When people become famous, they do interesting and sometimes stupid things (Charlie Sheen, LiLo).

Sometimes these people get offered the chance to record an album.  When that happens, you can get embarrassing ("The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" or "Mr Tambourine Man") sometimes.  That's why they call them "vanity" productions.

Sometimes things go a bit better.  In this case, because of his "U.N.C.L.E." fame, David McCallum was given the chance to "do a record," and I personally don't think he embarrassed himself too badly at all.

He found himself a very competent arranger, and took the chance to conduct a studio orchestra as it performed "current popular songs of the day" in easy-listening-type arrangements.

Nowadays, I'm told, these albums are of interest both to U.N.C.L.E. fans, and to the "Lounge" music set.

Putting both albums together gives you a semi-respectable playing time of about an hour.  Here is the track list:
1 1-2-3 (2:12)
2 Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season) (2:33)
3 The "In" Crowd (3:12)
4 A Taste of Honey (2:56)
5 Yesterday (2:37)
6 (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (2:33)
7 We Gotta Get Out of This Place (2:13)
8 Downtown (2:17)
9 The Far Side of the Moon (2:30)
10 Louise (2:22)
11 Insomnia (2:16)
12 The Sugar Cane (2:21)
13 Uptight (2:44)
14 Michelle (2:32)
15 Batman Theme (2:10)
16 Call Me (2:43)
17 Isn't It Wonderful (2:31)
18 My World Is Empty Without You (2:20)
19 Five O'Clock World (2:23)
20 The Shadow of Your Smile (Love Theme from "The Sandpiper") (2:59)
21 It Won't Be Wrong (2:05)
22 Far Away Blue (2:30)
23 The Edge (2:53)
24 Final (3:12)

The first 12 are the first album; the second dozen are "a bit more."

ere's the link:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7PUD7KVJ

If you like it, Leave a comment!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.

Word was that lots of fans considered this "official" album as more authentic to the show's sound than Montegro's arrangements were for "Man."

I DO think that "Mother Muffin" is my favorite piece.  

Here are the tracks:
1 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 2:28 Composed By - Goldsmith*
2 Shall We Gather At The Boat Dock 2:12 Composed By - Grusin*
3 Out Of The Frying Pan 2:05 Composed By - Grusin*
4 April 2:20 Composed By - Grusin*
5 Mother Muffin 2:05 Composed By - Grusin*
6 Movin' On 2:13 Composed By - Randazzo*
7 The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. 2:40 Composed By - Grusin*
8 Sneaky Search 2:52 Composed By - Shores*
9 Somewhere In Greece 2:06 Composed By - Grusin*
10 The Countess 2:56 Composed By - Randazzo*
11 Bomb Scare 2:22 Composed By - Shores*
12 Follow The T.H.R.U.S.H. 2:26

Here is the link:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QJ8LGXQO

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pulsating Big Band Sounds

Well, perhaps the pulse has worn off.  I dubbed this LP only last week, but now its performances have faded
into the mists of memory, and lost in the darkness and distance.

Personally, I think the whole giving female characters "suggestive" names like Pussy Galore is about the same as looking up words like "breast" in the dictionary for fun.  It's all right if you are nine, but come on!  Grow up, Fleming!

Oops, too late.  Here are the tracks:

1)  Goldfinger Theme
2)  Violence!
3)  From Russia With Love
4)  Blues for Dr No
5)  Pussy Galore Meets Bond
6)  James Bond Theme
7)  “M” Joins the Hunt
8)  A Gilded Corpse
9)  Warm and Deadly
10)  Death of Goldfinger

Here is the link:    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0ZXWA11W

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dick Hyman IS "The Man from O.R.G.A.N."

Dick Hyman was famous for all kinds of keyboard playing, including recordings of silent-movie accompaniments and other things.  But in 1965, he was The Man from O.R.G.A.N.!

In the inside notes of the LP he talks about the excitement of spy music and also boasts that his arrangement of Goldsmith's U.N.C.L.E. theme is in the 5/4 time used in the actual TV theme.

From this we can tell that this is an "early" cover of the theme, since (as we all know) the Man from U.N.C.L.E. theme was only in 5/4 for the first season.

Here are the tracks.

1) The Liquidator
2) The 3rd Man Theme and "Danger" Theme
3) The Man from O.R.G.A.N.
4) Theme for "Honey West"
5) Theme from "I Spy"
6) A Man Alone
7) Thunderball
8) Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
9) The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
10) The Cat
11) The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
12) Agent Double-O-Soul

Once again, there are several "originals" with appropriately spy-ish names.  However, I certainly don't think there was EVER a reason to call something "Agent Double-O-Soul!" 

That's just wrong.  Here is the link, judge for yourself!    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IW55JV8W

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

David Lloyd - Sounds for a Secret Agent

One of the myriads of guys who had an "and his orchestra," Lloyd lays down some medium-nifty arrangements.

Here are the songs:

1) Diamonds Are Forever
2) The Spy Who Loved Me
3) Goldfinger
4) 007
5) Moonraker
6) Casino Royale
7) For Your Eyes Only
8) Live and Let Die
9) On Her Majesty
10) James Bond Theme
11) Man With the Golden Gun
12) From Russia With Love

As with many Bondian hangers-on, we have some originals.  So, for example, "Live and Let Die" is NOT the McCartney song!  (Just so you know)

Here is the link.  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KWVM3XQM

If you like it, leave a comment!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2001: A Musical Odyssey

Here I got all excited and tried to find lots of different arrangements of Also Sprach Zarathustra's opening.

Here's what I found:

1) As heard in the film
2) From the Telarc album Time Warp
3) By the Now Sound Orchestra (1)
4) From the Columbia album Selections from 2001
5) From the Stage & Screen album Space Movies
6) By the Doctor Exx Band
7) By the Now Sound Orchestra (2)
8) From the Laserlight album Science Fiction Movie Themes
9) By the Wonderland Space Shuttle
10) By Neil Norman
11) From the soundtrack album 2010: The Year We Make Contact
12) From the soundtrack album 2001: A Space Odyssey (but not heard in the film)

here is the link:     http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZG4XRJVX 
 If you like it, leave a comment!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Saga of Battlestar Galactica

This is a music-and-soundtrack presentation of the story from the pilot episode/movie of the REAL Battlestar Galactica, dubbed from a cassette tape.

There are only two tracks, one for each side of the tape.

Included are CD and disc art, here's the link:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BHD76GFO  

Leave a comment if you like it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

More Music from The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Here is Montenegro's second album of U.N.C.L.E. music.

01. Sandals Only
02. Solo Bosanova
03. Off And Running
04 Boo-Bam-Boo, Baby
05. Slink
06. Run Spy Run
07. Jungle Heat
08. The Wiggely Pig Walk
09. Lament For A Trapped Spy
10. There They Go
11. Jo Jo's Torch Song
12. Dance Of The Flaming Swords


If you like it, leave a comment.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The first "official" album.  All tracks on this LP did appear in the show, except for Lalo Schifrin's "The Man from Thrush," which sounds as if it should have.

The arranger, Hugo Montenegro, worked hard on some of these, I guess.  The track "Solo on a Raft,"  which takes a couple of minutes on the album, is based on a snippet from the episode "The Shark Affair," which on-air lasted only mayb 20-30 seconds.

Other tracks, such as "Wild Bike," are fairly well developed in the episodes ("Bike" is from "The Double Affair" / The Spy with My Face).

Here is the tracklist:
1. Theme from "The Man from U.N.C.L.E."
2. Meet Mr. Solo
3. A Martini Built for Two
4. Wild Bike
5. Solo on a Raft
6. Fiddlesticks
7. The Man from Thrush
8. Illya
9. The Invaders
10. Solo's Samba
11. Bye, Bye Jill
12. Watch Out!

Now that we can buy the ORIGINAL original scores from Film Score Monthly, I find myself enjoying Montenegro's albums more.  They're more like a DC "Imaginary" tale, since we now have access to the original.

Does ANYBODY ELSE remember that a TV commercial for Pine-Sol used a jingle that was VERY SIMILAR to Jerry Goldsmith's "Meet Mr Solo"?  As I recall it, you would hear the first melodic line played instrumentally, then a chorus singing, "Pine-Sol," in the break before the second melodic line would start.

Here is the album.


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Friday, February 4, 2011

Paper Moon original soundtrack LP

As noted above, this is the LP.  It doesn't have the newly added tracks from some guy named Jango Pango and his Band of Bund (or whatever the name is).

Here is the track list:

1) It's Only a Paper Moon Performed by Paul Whiteman and his orchestra
2) About a Quarter to Nine Performed by Ozzie Nelson and Orchestra
3) (It Will Have to Do) Until the Real Thing Comes Along Performed by Leo Reisman and his orchestra Vocal by Larry Stewart
4) Flirtation Walk Performed by Dick Powell
5) Just One More Chance Performed by Bing Crosby
6) One Hour with You Performed by Jimmie Grier and His Orchestra Vocal by Donald Novis
7) I Found a Million Dollar Baby (in a Five and Ten Cent Store) Performed by Victor Young and his orchestra with The Boswell Sisters
8) The Object of My Affection Performed by Jimmie Grier and His OrchestraVocal by Pinky Tomlin
9) Georgia on My Mind Performed by Hoagy Carmichael and His Orchestra
10) A Picture of Me Without You Performed by Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra with Ken Darby and Ramona
11) The Banks of the Ohio Performed by the Blue Sky Boys
12) My Mary Performed by Jimmie Davis
13) After You've Gone Performed by Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra
14) Let's Have Another Cup of Coffee Performed by Enric Madriguera and his Hotel Biltmore Orchestra
15) Sunnyside Up Performed by Johnny Hamp's Kentucky Serenaders Vocal by Frank Luther

Here's the link.     http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0Y9D3Q1D

Included are art for CD case & printable CD.   If you like it, leave a comment!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

William Albright's ragtime music

This is a dub from a 1970s Musical Heritage Society LP, of some really fun original piano rags.

Here's where it is:  Albright Plays Albright    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GCIC9GDK

Included are CD front, back, and disc art.

If you like it, leave a comment.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Enesco - Liszt Rhapsodies

The original LP and CD issues had Enesco's Roumanin Rhapsody 1 but not number two.

Since there is *just* enough time on a CD two add the second Roumanian Rhapsody, I have done so.

Track List:
1) Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1, Op.11
2) Roumanian Rhapsody No. 2, Op.11
Liszt3) Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 In F Minor
4) Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 In D Minor
5) Hungarian Rhapsody No. 3 In D Major
6) Hungarian Rhapsody No. 4 In D Minor
7) Hungarian Rhapsody No. 5 In E Minor 'Heroide Elegiaque'
8) Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6 In D Major 'Carnival In Pesth'

Here's the Link:

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Al Hirt: The Horn Meets the Hornet

from the liner notes:

At a TV rehearsal not too long ago, I listened to big Al run over September Song. He
was seated in a rocker and a spotlight threw a stark, angular shadow of the chair
and the bearded man on the floor. In a baritone, somewhere between Walter Huston's
western gravel and Jack Tea-garden's southern molasses, Al gave an attractive
reading of the sad ballad. But no matter how he tried to cool it, something of his sheer
joie de vivre came through and, though the rocker was turned so that little of the
good-humored face was visible, an aura of insouciant vitality emanated from the
shadow itself.

Excitement and vigor—these are the man. And these are the infectious qualities of
the Horn. No wonder that when Al recorded the racing, buzzing, breathless theme of
"The Green Hornet" TV show, it became a fast seller. And, though another Hirt album
was ready for release, there was no denying fans the opportunity of hearing Al's
virtuoso treatments of some popular TV themes.

Here, then, are head-bobbing, big-band renditions, with the Hirt horn in high-flying
form. Although two of the selections, The Hornets Nest and Night Rumble, are not
television themes, Al believed their excitement and drama merited including them in
the album. Al's feeling for melody finds lyrical play in The Hornets Nest and (Theme
from) The Monkees.
The seductive wa-wa trumpet of Tarzan takes on a feline
ferocity in T.H.E. Cat. Running, rhythmic countermelodies modulate into appealing
sneak licks in Theme from "Run for Your Life." Al even has a few moments to
display his penchant for comedy in the "Get Smart" Theme. In all, arranger Frank
Hunter has provided charts that effectively combine big-band drive with the
teen-age sound-and-beat of electric organ and guitars.

By this time there are many elements at play in the versatile Hirt horn. The lyricism of
Al's recent ruminations with the Boston Pops is in striking contrast with the
high-register, bop drama of these tunes. Each is in its place, since one is relaxed,
armchair listening and the other, the theater of suspense and intrigue. A master
musician, Al never permits his dazzling virtuosity to degenerate into meaningless
pyrotechnics. Also, the bearded man has ineradicable roots in two-beat Dixie and
country music, roots that helped make fabulous sellers of his albums HONEY IN THE
HORN and COTTON CANDY, and that give all his horn peregrinations an inevitable,
finger-snapping earthiness.


 This 1966 album is available here as a winRAR file

This 1966 album is available here as a ZIP file

CD art is included.  If you like it, leave a comment.