Monday, March 20, 2023

The Fried Beat Goes On!

            The amazingly talented TV-film composer Gerald Fried passed on February 17, 2023. He composed music for early films of Stanley Kubrick, as well as lesser horror flicks like The Return of Dracula and I Bury the Living. He scored hundreds of TV episodes, including Gilligan’s Island, It's About Time, Mission: Impossible, and Star Trek TOS.

            His contribution to 45 episodes of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is our focus for this month!

            Gerald Fried—SALUTE!
Once again, a blend of the divine and the goofy.  In "Napoleon's Tomb," some fine light suspense riffs or moody "European" music is suddenly curb-stomped by "Alouette."

No one does imitation Greek better than Fried, though!

The Napoleon’s Tomb Affair

(January 27, 1967)

Tracks 1-3 – 17:45


The It’s All Greek to Me Affair

(February 3, 1967)

 Tracks 4-7 – 22:58


The Hot Number Affair

(March 10, 1967)

Tracks 8-11 – 21:14

TOTAL TIME:  62:21

 When we get to "Hot Number," infamous for including the totally zombielike Sonny and Cher, you tell me if the kazoos are inspired or just a sign of derision for the whole setup.  But also in "Hot Number" is a lilting flute lullaby, complete with those tricky Fried time-signature changes.  Speaking of kazoos, we have a full rendering of the Goldsmith theme on kazoo in here somewhere!  I dare you to find it!

FRIED:  The Man from U.N.C.L.E. -- Disc 6

 See you Thursday, fellow Fried Freaks!

1 comment:

  1. Great yet more Fried......... See you Thursday (That should be enough time to get the download completed via filefactory)
