Monday, March 11, 2019

The Tape That Would Not Rewind!

Bought last month on cassette, this devilish critter peeved me to no end.

Before playing an unfamiliar tape, of course, one should fast-forward to the end of Side One and then rewind to the beginning.  This provides a little shakedown for the mechanism and helps rectify any off-kilter bits.

But this fiendish device WOULD NOT move in any direction.  It would sputter along for a few seconds and then lock up.  Swapping front-and-back tape insertion, using rewind for the opposite side, slamming the tape down on both sides to try and settle any wacky alignment -- NOTHING would make this puppy FF or REW.

I finally hand-wound the thing to the beginning and simply PLAYED it.  And gosh-a-whillickers, it done did purty good!

To see all the partitions of some of these long pieces, consult the cassette scans, or the above Discogs listing.

Battles for Brass (48:25)

01. William Byrd - The Battell (23:22)

02. Adriano Banchieri - Fantasia: Udite, Ecco Le Trombe (1:47)

03. Johann Kuhnau - Biblical Sonata No 1: The Battle Between David and Goliath (15:12)

04. John Jenkins - Fantasia: Newark Siege (5:45)

05. G F Handel - La Réjouissance (2:19)

Now YOU get the benefit of the hassle.

See you on Thursday!


  1. Oh, I though it said BEATLES for Brass.
    THAT is why I did not recognize any of the tracks.
