Monday, May 1, 2017

Welcome to Mark’s Musical May Mondays! MAYDAY, MAYDAY! MA-99 – Witches’ Boo!

            Every Monday this month we’ll have a new musical compilation for your delectation.

            Yesterday, April 30, was Walpurgisnacht.  As Bram Stoker wrote in “Dracula’s Guest,”
“Walpurgis Night was when, according to the belief of millions of people, the devil was abroad—when the graves were opened and the dead came forth and walked. When all evil things of earth and air and water held revel.”

            So, I hope you’ll feel bewitched by the following selections:

01 - Weird Weird Music - Marlin Wallace   1981  (3:08)
02 - The Evils of Frankenstein - Choctaw John   1976   (3:10)
03 - The Werewolf - Benae Carol   1962  (2:10)
04 - The Witch - Wool   1970  (1:54)
05 - Lame Monster Party - Paul and Storm   2010  (2:41)
06 - Baby Frankie Stein - Hot Blood   1977  (4:53)
07 - The Salem Witch Trial - The Kiriae Crucible   1968  (2:52)
08 - Ghost Guitars - Baron Daemon   1963  (2:25)
09 - The Bug-Eyed Man - The Hollywood Argyles / Gary Paxton   1960  (2:23)
10 - The Ghost in Your House Is Me - The Denims   1966  (2:44)
11 - Everyday's Halloween - The Klopeks   2003  (3:36)
12 - Walkin' Through a Cemetery - Claudine Clark   1962  (2:30)
13 - Witch Craft in the Air - Betty Lavett   1964  (2:36)
14 - There Is a Haunted House in Town - The Wonderland Singers   1974  (2:20)
15 - One Eyed Witch - The 7th Court   1967  (2:23)
16 - Go Go the Cannibal - Ronnie Self   1960  (2:06)
17 - Ghoul in School - The Fortunes   1962  (2:06)
18 - Voodoo Woman - Smiley Smith   1959  (2:02)
19 - Halloween (She's Coming) - The Dead Elvi   2001  (3:18)
20 - The Barnabas Theme from “Dark Shadows” - The First Theremin Era   1969  (2:50)
21 - Super Ghoul - The Bare Boned Band   1970  (2:50)
22 - She Rides with Witches - The Wizards from Kansas   2003  (4:01)
23 - Burn Witch Burn - The Circus   1967  (2:01)
24 - Black Magic - Jericho Jones   1959  (2:08)
25 - Haunted Heart - Johnny Lion   1959   (2:02)
26 - Scream Along (with the Monster) - Kay Bell and the Spacemen   1963  (2:05)
27 - The Wicked Old Witch - The Bells of Rhymny   1965  (2:34)
28 - The Witch - The Rattles   1971  (2:32)
29 - Halloween Mary - P F Sloan   1965  (2:35)

            You don’t have to be a politician to appreciate this kind of crone-yism!


            Well, that’s all for now, folks!  Come back next Monday!

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