Monday, June 13, 2016

The Now Sound Orchestra ... For Now!

I bought this treasure in the record bin at TG&Y, on April 8, 1980.

As you can tell record weren't very expensive.  But as you can tell, this wasn't a major record label release.  No, it was a bunch of studio musicians who, after perhaps one rehearsal, laid down some tracks to convince the kids to drop some cash.

Isn't the invented logo for ST:TMP all pretty and shiny?  Here are the tracks:

The Now Sound Orchestra - Theme from STAR TREK - The Motion Picture
01. Theme from STAR TREK - The Motion Picture (4:05)
02. STAR TREK TV Theme (3:08)
03. Theme from STAR WARS - Part 1 (2:53)
04. Theme from 2001 - A SPACE ODYSSEY - Part 1 (3:58)
05. Theme from CLOSE ENCOUNTERS - Part 1 (3:25)
06. A STAR BEYOND TIME - Ilia’s Theme (4:12)
07. Theme from STAR WARS - Part II (4:21)
08. Theme from CLOSE ENCOUNTERS - Part II (7:59)
09. Theme from 2001 - A SPACE ODYSSEY - Part II (4:09)

For years afterwards, I didn't know that the words sung for Track 6, "Ilia's Theme," were actual lyrics to a licensed version.  I did not know that "A Star Beyond Time" had been recorded by Shaun Cassidy (YouTube link).

But no matter how cheesy, these lyrics are in no way as howlingly bad as Roddenberry's words to Ale Courage's Star Trek TV theme.

Discover for yourself!

See you Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I own this one also. I also have an "Empire Jazz" album I have never seen posted. It is the Star Wars music in jazz format. I bought them ALL back then. LOL
