Thursday, February 11, 2016

There's Something Going On Out There + Space Movies Spectacular!

I found this 1982 release in a Kmart bin in the mid-1980s.  The performances are by different artists.

Look Out!
* * * * *
My copy of this cassette probably came from Skaggs Albertsons in the early 1980s.  Contents:

01 - ET Main Theme
02 - Star Trek Theme
03 - Superman Theme
04 - Planet of the Apes Theme
05 - Battle of the Planets
06 - Theme “2001”- Also Sprach Zarathustra
07 - Close Encounters
08 - Tron Theme and Actions
09 -  Star Wars End Title


  See you Monday.


  1. Hey Mark love to get the stage and screen stuff, the link goes to a blog create page though....and do you have the others they put out? the horror one has some really cool alternate versions, and I lost my copy a while back....thanks again for all this great stuff!

  2. never mind.....found the link....oops! LOL!

  3. I found the very same record, but mine was unmarked. The sleeve was as you have it but both disk labels were blank. I had to try and figure out what was where.

  4. Ahh, sweet mysteries of life, Lacey!
