Monday, February 2, 2015

Sing-a-Long Gilbert & Sullivan

I didn't sing along much, but by listening I just about wore this sucker out!

This is a record bought for me by Mom around 1960.  I listened to it during nap time.  As a kid I thought the songs were great because they were so silly.

This album, though probably a quickie kids' record, shows the competence of "cheap" set-ups in this past time.  Casual, everyday competence is even present in this crank-'em-out kid record.

The songs are:

01 - The Mikado Overture-We Are Gentlemen of Japan
02 - A Wand’ring Minstrel I
03 - My Object All Sublime
04 - The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring
05 - For He's Gone and Married Yum-Yum
06 - We Sail the Ocean Blue
07 - I'm Called Little Buttercup
08 - I Am the Captain of the Pinafore
09 - When I Was a Lad
10 - Never Mind the Why and Wherefore
11 - I Am a Pirate King
12 - I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General
13 - When the Foeman Bares His Steel
14 - A Policeman's Lot Is Not a Happy One

And here's the stuff.  I hope some of you, my friends, like it!  And here is the back of the record:

A little research shows that this record came out in 1963, when I was seven.  This guy doesn't particularly like the record, but he's a grown-up, and when I listen to this record, I'm using the filter of seven-year-old ears.

See you Thursday!


  1. Thank you for this unusual post. You are correct, we seemed to have more respect for children back then.
    Today you could never get a children's recording of Gilbert & Sullivan.

    A small request if you can. About this time there was also a "song along" song called "Tarzan the Jungle man." I do not know if it was Mitch Miller or what but my Dad had it (about your age) and told me about it. Would love to find it for him.

    "Tarzan is braver than an lion.
    Tarzan is swifter than a deer.
    He is no stranger, to peril or to danger,
    Tarzan knows no fear . . ."

    I don't know why I remember those lyrics.

    Thank you.

    1. Here comes Tarzan.
      Faster than an eagle he can fly from tree to tree.
      When he swims across a river alligators flee.
      There's never been another since the world began,
      Like Tarzan the jungle Man.

      They are on a children's 78 RPM Golden Records.

    2. Here comes Tarzan.
      Faster than an eagle he can fly from tree to tree.
      When he swims across a river alligators flee.
      There's never been another since the world began,
      Like Tarzan the jungle Man.

      They are on a children's 78 RPM Golden Records.

    3. The song is on Youtube under "Worst Tarzan Yell Ever".

  2. Lacey: I'm not familiar with this particular record. Sorry. But I may have discovered some clues:

    Try this link to a forums page about WHAT MAY BE your record:

    Here is a Discogs listing for what MAY BE your record:

    Best of luck! -- Mark

  3. Yaaa-Ah-OHHH-aaahhh-ahhhh! [imitation Tarzan yell]

  4. Thank you Susan And thank you Gary And thank you Mark. (Excuse my tardiness, I was giving up hope)

    I could not find the record anywhere, even eBay and was trying lyrics and titles on YouTube. Then I found it.

    A tad late for Father's Day, but he will hear it now.

  5. Every day is Father's Day when you have a great family!
