Monday, September 1, 2014

Young Master Primas

Another fascinatin' thrift-store discovery, this music is outre enough that I have no way to evaluate, as to its "authenticity" or not.

Instead of being the lively, sprightly, or melancholy tunes we're used to hearing via works by Brahms or Liszt (or even Universal monster movies), these selections appear to be mostly vamps by the lead violin, with the rest of the "gypsy band" providing sustained  background chords.

I keep waiting for the praeludium to end, and the "real" music to kick in!  Maybe that's the point ... You tell me.

YOU, my friend, try to make some sense out of the track listings on the tape insert.  As the doctor said in the 1989 Batman to Jack/Joker just before the facial surgery, "You can see what I have to work with."

But, I've done my best to transcribe these tracks into names.

“Asztali Muzsika”
01 - Levelem, levelem - Mit keres a temetoben - De szeretnek en a regi kis falumba visszaterni
02 - Ne szidjadok soha engem - Kiballagok a vasuthoz - Azt mondjak a mennyorszagben
03- Ugye most mar tifeletek
04 - Leveles az erdo

05 - Lakodalom van a mi utcankban - Jon a tavasz, jon mar - Felrevagom a kalapom - Zold ablakos kicsi haz - Szeretem a cseresznyet - Koncert friss
06 - Hideg szel fuj, edesanyam - Hazam ereszere raszallott - Mikor kezdtem a ladamat pakolni - Orszaguton hosszu a jegenyesor - Koncert friss
07 - Ez a kislany most kezd nekem - Csak ugy mondom maganak - Libamaj, kacsamaj - Lore, lore - Hallod-e notas, futtyos kismadar
08 - Oreg czardas - Buzavirag, buzavirag - Paros elet a legszebb - Gyere velem kiskertembe

This is one of those so-odd-it's-amazing entries.

Akana mukav tut le Devlesa.

See you Thursday.

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