I came across this LP at the OCU bookstore on a table stacked with stuff they could only market to clueless college kids. I bought things like this, a couple of albums by Irish harpist/singer Mary O'Hara, Crumb's
Makrokosmos; and other semi-outre stuff.
I've also added a few of Bolcom's piano rags to balance the program.
01 - War in Heaven
02 - The Caves of Orcus
03 - The Tabby Cat Walk
04 - The Eternal Feminine
05 - The Poltergeist (Rag Fantasy)
06 - The Serpent's Kiss
07 - Rag Infernal
Sorry to talk to you this way but I could not find an email address. They seem to be going after blogs again. Music for U and Me, which I was at yesterday, is not private, without warning. I hate loosing your guys and all your work so if YOU have to go private could you let me know? Thank you again for all that you do.
Thanks for your note and concern.