Thursday, May 23, 2013

Come into the Parlor, My Dear ...

"Yes, and it's a fine, fair evening to you, too, Miss McSweenie!"  Joe "Fingers" Carr seems to be saying as his digits caress the ivories.
This fun album of  reminiscences came out nearly fifty years ago.  He's a review from Billboard magazine's May 19, 1956 issue:

And here are the liner notes from the back of the album:
One of the great things about records "in the old days" was that sometimes you got some bonus reading material on the record sleeve.  In this case it's not a fancy photo or lyrics, but the record label boasting about how great their product is:

But what about the music? you ask.  Well, ask no longer.  Here are the songs:
1. Moonlight Bay (Percy Wenrich/Edward Madden - 1912) 2:02
2. Take Me Out to the Ball Game (Albert Von Tilzer/Jack Norworth - 1908) 1:40
3. That Old Gang of Mine (Ray Henderson/Mort Dixon/Billy Rose - 1923) 2:43
4. Let Me Call You Sweetheart (Leo Friedman/Beth Slater Whitson - 1910) 2:20
5. Smiles (J. Will Callahan/Lee S. Roberts - 1917) 3:19
6. My Wild Irish Rose (Chauncey Olcott - 1899) 2:40
7. The Gang That Sang “Heart of my Heart” (Ben Ryan - 1926) 2:17
8. By the Light of the Silvery Moon (Gus Edwards/Edward Madden - 1909) 2:14
9. I Love You Truly (Carrie Jacobs-Bond - 1911) 2:25
10. Moonlight and Roses (Ben Black/Neil Moret [a.k.a. Charles Daniels] - 1925) 2:34
11. There’s a Long, Long Trail (Alonzo Elliot/Stoddard King - 1911) 2:07
12. Three O’Clock in the Morning (Dorothy Terriss/Julian Robledo - 1922) 2:45
13. Shine On Harvest Moon (Nora Bayes/Jack Norworth - 1911) 2:07
14. Home Sweet Home (John Howard Payne - 1823) 2:22


By the way, Joe "Fingers" Carr was a nom de guerre of a fellow named Lou Busch.

Hope you like it!

  UPDATED LINK as of November 25, 2013:

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