Monday, June 20, 2011

Themes from ET and More, 1982

Here's another of those "cover" albums of popular fantasy/sci-fi movies.  But for some reason this is one of my favorites.  Especially the "Star Trek" theme.  Maybe because it's got a real woman's voice soaring up there on the melody, as in the TV show.

I also like the idea that all of these horn or harp or whatever parts were played by real human people, not programmed.

Here are the tracks: 
1) Themes from E.T. The Extraterrestrial
2) Themes from Close Encounters of the Third Kind
3) Themes from Jaws
4) Themes from Star Trek
5) Themes from Raiders of the Lost Ark
6) Themes from Superman
7) Theme from Poltergeist

And here is the link: 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,

    This is a great record of instrumental arranged versions for great movies. This LP is my favorite and I have years tring to find mp3 files of it. could you share a different link where o find them? Megaupload has been seiezed.

    Thank You,

    Juan R.
